Thursday, September 20, 2007

News - Civil Liberties In UK On Decline

We lived in the UK for a year and were quite disturbed that even in the tiny town of St Andrews, we couldn't go anywhere except possibly the middle of a field without being on one if not several CCTV cameras.

We were a law biding visa holder but being on a surveillance camera all the time tends to make one feel like a criminal or at least like an undesirable.

Now, there is serious talk in Britain about possible "compulsory DNA testing of the entire population and all visitors to the UK."

This article looks at arguments from both sides. We are very decidedly anti Big Brother and very anti the overwhelming bureaucracy in place in Britain as it is. We very much hope that our beloved Brits will shout down these new policies and prospective changes with the righteous vigor they deserve.

We would be super sad if we couldn't visit our favorite country again because of a clash of ideals regarding civil rights.

We would cry, but we would rather forgo ever seeing the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond again than be DNA tested for the privilege.


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